LOST VOLUMES (October 2020)
​​​​​​​An exploration of the road-cuts created for a local rural highway that traverses Wisconsin's Driftless Region. What began as a compulsion to document and understand these imposing non-places, evolved into the discovery and contemplation of unexpected questions: the Anthropocene's visible legacy, the integrity of corporate-controlled digital imagery, the public's (in)access to ostensibly public places, and others.
This project challenges industrial design's myopic focus on single product outputs, a point of view that I believe squanders the tremendous potential of industrial design to effectuate positive systemic change. To do this I explore the problem of food packaging waste, an example of a complex human and ecological problem in need of immediate systems-level solutions. Using a new holistic design methodology derived from intensive research, this project upends the conventional industrial design process while delivering practical design outputs. Completed as my undergraduate senior thesis in Industrial Design at Iowa State University, Class of 2020.
Daffodils! Doorknobs! Vines! Finding my meaning through guerrilla design interventions. Collection curated for Iowa State University IDSA Merit Awards 2020.